【图】失恋进行曲钢琴谱简单易学 你有更多方式舒缓失恋情结

2015/9/23 16:46:50 作者:xw_luoya… 来源:伊秀情感网

Don't say: "How could someone as perfect as you still be single?"
Why: A statement like this comes off as a backhanded compliment. What she hears is "What's wrong with you?"
Instead say: "Seeing anyone?" If she's tight-lipped about her love life, move on to other topics.
要说"How could someone as perfect as you still be single?"(像你这样十全十美的人,怎么还会是单身呢?)这感觉像是句讽刺挖苦的恭维话,在她听来你是问"What's wrong with you?"(你哪里不对劲?)可以说"Seeing anyone?"(有没有约会啊?)如果她对自己的恋爱问题守口如瓶,那就转移话题吧。
