【图】国外搭讪实用方法 不看后悔一辈子

2015/7/23 22:22:14 作者:T-xiewen… 来源:伊秀情感网

如果你压根没听懂美女的名字,不要不懂装懂,因为在对话中,不出现名字也是中国人不受欢迎的原因之一。你可以说,”Excuse me, your name again?" " Oh, god, it's too charming word for me, I need write it down, can I have your signature?" 你的名字得写下来才记得住。
“Can I have a look at your map?” 是一个男人的声音,我回过头把地图递给他---一个帅气的韩国背包客,
“You know where we are now?”又是一个迷路的人。
“I don’t know either, I’m lost, but it’s OK, and this map is a crap.”他正抓耳挠腮地看着那张让我抓狂的地图。
“haha, I agree. You are traveling alone? (这就是在旅程中经常碰到的搭讪语, 他可以搞清楚自己有没有下手的机会,如果我告诉他有朋友一起,他自然会知趣离开, 如果我觉得这人可以一聊,不妨继续)”
“Yep, why everybody asked that?”
“ Many people asked you that? Maybe because it’s not easy to travel alone.(这是他找到的切入点)”
“Even a man need courage to travel alone, not to say a girl like you, you’re courageous!”这时他就会表扬我的勇气
“I guess so.  And you? You are traveling alone, too?”我也可以借此让对话继续
“Yes, I’ve already stayed here for a month, how long you have stayed here?”他会进一步了解有没有机会可以同游

“2 days. You’ve stayed here for a month? And you still get lost? Good for you!”如果我有兴趣,我可以问问他游了哪些地方,以备借鉴
